
  • The Esplanade at 280 Albert St.

    In collaboration with its U.S. partner, The Coterie Group transformed this vacant parcel of land from site plan approval to permit-ready status. Construction is slated to commence in March 2025, with project completion anticipated by late 2026. Once finished, the development will feature 190 modern rental units and 1,250 square feet of versatile retail space. As a shareholder in the project, The Coterie Group is proud to contribute its expertise to this dynamic initiative.

  • SunBevy Beverage

    SunBevy Beverage is a newly established company specializing in the distribution of mocktails and other innovative products developed by a Canadian leader in the beverage and sauce industry. As the majority shareholder, The Coterie Group is spearheading the launch of SunBevy’s flagship product, “Caesars” (a mocktail inspired by the classic Bloody Mary), across the United States and Canada, with plans to expand into Latin America and the Caribbean. Initial distribution will focus on Ohio and Illinois.

  • Endrum Energy Corp

    Endrum Energy Corp, acquired in early 2024, marks the first of many strategic acquisitions planned by The Coterie Group in the oil and gas sector. Boasting over 190 gas wells and multiple oil fields, Endrum Energy is uniquely positioned to supply a significant portion of Canadian homes directly. The Coterie Group facilitated the acquisition funding and retains a shareholding position, becoming one of four key stakeholders in the company’s future growth and success.

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